
Romantic love pink dress bride

Bra-style pink dress design will set off the bride's skin rosy, with an attractive flavor, bright pink is the color of the bride dress like flowers, happiness, pink dress is only suitable for fair-skinned bride, If the bride or darker skin do not try.

Pink Bra wedding dress design is very unique, small pieces sequins beads flower pattern composed by design, workmanship is very fine, with the way the bride embroidered pink sequined dress full of feeling, it is very stylish, and very elegant taste . Prospective brides dress is essential for a single product, in addition to a wedding dress the bride will prepare an elegant bride can be perfect on any occasion to show, romantic bride favorite pink dress the bride dress like a flower like happiness.


Bra waist big skirt dress design using lightweight outer layer of floating yarn material, the whole dress look with misty feeling, bright sequin skirt wedding flowers is very delicate, so the whole wedding has become more deep feminine.


Bride exquisite pink nude makeup makeup coupled with high waist Bra pink dress the bride set off a general feeling very like flowers, the bride's beauty and charm fully manifested.

