
Wedding Queen Vera Wang pride of Chinese

Vera Wang childhood desire to become a great skater, figure skating when young teenagers has won the championship. Since 1992, the U.S. women's team designed the Winter Olympics uniforms, two years after the Vera Wang became the household name, her fashion of the road is from the Olympic arena began.

Madison Avenue in New York while working YSL boutiques, Vera Wang met VOGUE magazine editor and soon after entering the VOGUE work. Vera Wang in this "very attractive garden work" and for 16 years, from the youngest writer to senior editor, to take over the U.S. version of VOGUE, without her outstanding strength and spirit of hard work.
Now, there are about ten thousand per year worldwide buy Vera Wang wedding dress the bride, Vera Wang to accept orders from around the world. Since all Chinese customers ordering wedding will be processing plant in the United States, so each needs a wedding dress custom-made six months in advance, the price to $ 30,000 starting price.

Vera Wang Vera Wang happy one four. 1988 and known for years golf business Beck married in their wedding, invited 400 guests from film, media and fashion industry people. Can be annoying, she searched the major U.S. bridal salon, but I still can not pick a wedding dress to my own satisfaction. She angrily decided to personally design, I did not expect guests were full of praise for her design of the wedding. Thus began her Vera Wang haute couture of the road.
Vera Wang wedding dress design, simple, smooth, without any extra exaggerated embellishment. Many people want their wedding like a multi-tiered wedding cake, but she did not do so, column dress is not bad, but somewhat conservative. Melted frosting, cemented embroidery is not better? Folds, lace these traditional wedding elements are still being applied to the Vera Wang wedding dress, but it is not designed to be, for the characteristics of the fabric, smooth skirt, and three-dimensional cut She is something of concern.

VeraWang a wedding, as a TIFFANY diamond ring six claw as a symbol of the sacred, precious love commitment. Such expensive wedding dress, of course, if it is specially designed for you VeraWang my wedding, the minimum cost is $ 25,000, the cost of a wedding can buy a luxury car. So many girls cry: "Let me a little money, dressed in a Vera Wang wedding dress now!"
Today, Vera Wang has created a huge fashion empire, its merchandise in addition to wedding dress, but also including perfumes, jewelry, glassware, porcelain, shoes and glasses.

In 1999, David and Victoria Beckham married, chose Vera Wang wedding dress, showing the influence of Vera Wang wedding dress, in their opinion, Vera Wang like never missed, never let yourself get "the worst costume award "quality assurance.
In 1998, Sharon Stone became popular just the first time at the Oscars, she chose the design of a lavender Vera Wang dress, this is the first time Vera Wang dress worn by actress on the stage.

1 条评论:

  1. Yeah, these designers wedding gowns are manufactured by most modern trendy designer Vera Wang, and she has independent exclusive bridal dresses stores.

    Vera Wang Wedding Dress
